The Children’s Center Brand Story
The children we serve battle their pain and fears everyday.
Helping Children Dream Again
The future of our city is in our children’s stories. While many begin in heartbreak, that’s only the first chapter. At The Children’s Center, we help children rewrite their future, transforming their hurt into healing, despair into courage, trauma into triumph. Their stories are success stories.
The Children’s Center, Detroit
Brand Story & Message Maps
Human Services
The Children’s Center Brand Story
The brand story was one of several deliverables from a total rebrand of The Children’s Center. Established in 1929, this was the first effort to create a narrative that reflects the incredible work of the organization and its impact on those it serves.
Digital Version of the Brand Story
To scale the storytelling of our brand, we created a digital, animated version to share with the masses to mitigate the high cost of distributing printed copies.
Brand Manifesto
Another important deliverable from the rebrand was the creation of a brand manifesto. While it would suffice for you to read a written copy of The Children’s Center brand manifesto, there’s no better way to experience the brand manifesto than through the voices of the children it serves.
Our Brand Manifesto
There’s a place that stands for family, for healing and for hope. A place that provides a healthy safe haven for children to overcome their challenges and grow into strong, healthy, productive adults.
A place that strives to celebrate life. Not just fix life’s problems.
That place is The Children’s Center in Detroit.
Where every child deserves the chance to dream again. To be accepted and not judged. And to be welcomed with wide-open arms.
At The Children’s Center, we rebuild hope for children who struggle with unimaginable difficulties.
The pain of mental abuse. The scars of poverty. The burden of neglect.
We do it with compassion, and dedication, and by applying the time-tested knowledge of our never-say-never staff.
We help children by looking at more than a single issue. We treat the whole child. We examine the barriers in the home, school, or community. We work with the family who raises them. And we bring all our learning together to support their healing and get them on the road to a happier, more fulfilling childhood.
We do all of this by practicing evidence-based care. That means care that’s been tried and tested, proven to be effective to help children thrive. To empower their voices. And learn to self-advocate once they’re outside the comfort of our walls.
We do this for one reason — we’re passionate about healing children.
Because we know when you lift a child’s spirit, you ultimately lift an entire community.
Brand Messaging Pocket Guide
We learned a long time ago that if you want staff, donors, volunteers, board members, and community partners to help talk about your work in a consistent and compelling, you equip and empower them with the right tools. This Brand Messaging Pocket Guide is yet another important deliverable resulting from the rebrand.