96. From Burnout to Balance: Lessons from Kishshana Palmer
About this episode
Have you ever felt like your life is a never-ending to-do list? As nonprofit leaders, we often wear our busyness as a badge of honor, but at what cost? Kishshana Palmer, author of Busy is a Four-Letter Word, challenges us to rethink the culture of busyness that permeates our sector. In her conversation on the Intentional Fundraiser podcast, she shares powerful insights and practical tools to help us achieve more by doing less.
In this episode, I’ll unpack Kishshana’s wisdom on overcoming “martyritis,” embracing intentionality, and creating high-performing teams without burnout. By the end, you’ll have actionable strategies to reclaim your time and purpose while fostering wellness for yourself and your team. Let’s dive in!
Breaking Free from Martyritis
Kishshana introduces the concept of “martyritis,” a condition many nonprofit leaders unknowingly suffer from. It’s the need to overwork ourselves to prove our value—sacrificing personal time, health, and relationships in the process. She explains how this mindset stems from societal reinforcement and personal upbringing, where hard work equates to worthiness.
Her wake-up call came when her daughter pointed out, “You don’t have to monetize everything you’re good at.” That moment forced her to confront her chronic pain and exhaustion and reevaluate her priorities. For many of us in the nonprofit world, martyritis manifests as sacrificing everything for the mission—even when it’s detrimental to our well-being. Kishshana reminds us that we can’t serve others effectively if we’re running on empty.
The Rethink Method: Achieving More by Doing Less
Kishshana’s five-step Rethink Method offers a practical framework for slowing down and reassessing priorities:
Assess Where You Are: Take stock of your personal and professional life. Are you spending time on tasks that truly move the needle?
Evaluate Your Assets: Look beyond physical resources—your programs, people, and relationships are assets too.
Invite Others In: Whether at work or home, involve others in decision-making processes. Collaboration fosters innovation and reduces unnecessary burdens.
Learn to Say No: Not every opportunity deserves your energy. Prioritize what aligns with your values and goals.
Pause Before Acting: Take time to rest and recharge before making decisions or diving into new projects.
This method isn’t about abandoning ambition—it’s about being strategic and intentional with your time so you can focus on what truly matters.
Creating High-Performing Teams Without Burnout
As nonprofit leaders, we often push our teams hard in pursuit of ambitious goals. But Kishshana emphasizes that burning out employees is counterproductive to achieving long-term success. She advocates for leading with intention by prioritizing team wellness alongside organizational outcomes.
Here are her key recommendations for fostering high-performing teams:
Build Relationships: Understand your team members’ personal lives and challenges so you can support them holistically.
Plan Around Life Events: Incorporate personal milestones into organizational planning—this shows empathy and builds trust.
Encourage Play: Create space for creativity and play within the workplace; it fuels innovation and problem-solving.
Simplify Priorities: Focus on three key objectives at a time—too many goals dilute focus and overwhelm teams.
Ultimately, Kishshana reminds us that caring for our teams starts with caring for ourselves as leaders.
Let’s Redefine Productivity Together
Kishshana Palmer’s message is clear: we don’t have to sacrifice our health or happiness to make an impact in the nonprofit sector. By rethinking our approach to work, embracing intentionality, and prioritizing wellness, we can show up as our best selves—for our teams, our organizations, and the causes we care about.
What resonated most with you from this conversation? I’d love to hear your thoughts—leave a comment below! If you found this post helpful, please share it with other nonprofit leaders who might benefit from Kishshana’s wisdom.
With boundless gratitude,
Tammy Zonker
Major Gift Expert & Keynote Speaker
Our guest
Kishshana Palmer, CEO, ManageMint, Inc.
LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Contact / Website
“If you don't have your life together at the house, the probability is high that you don't have your life together at work.”
Kishshana Palmer, CEO, ManageMint, Inc.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Busy Is a Four-Letter Word: A Guide To Achieving More By Doing Less
Life Starts Now: How to Create the Life You’ve Been Waiting For by Chanel Dokun
Thanks to our friends over at Kindsight for sponsoring this episode of The Intentional Fundraiser podcast.
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