31. The Science of Happiness & Gratitude

About this episode

In this episode of The Intentional Fundraiser podcast, I want to talk with you about gratitude and happiness today. There have been a lot of articles and a couple of great new books published on the topic recently.

Just this week Time magazine published two articles, “The Daily Habits of Happiness Experts” and “How to Make Gratitude Feel Less Like a Chore.”

At the start of the new year just about a week ago, The New York Times issued a 7-day Happiness Challenge to kick off the New Year. Subscribers to their Wellness e-newsletter were invited to sign up for the challenge. They sent one exercise a day to your inbox to cultivate happiness. You’ll find links to these articles and the books I’ll be referencing in the show notes.

And just a few days ago SIMON & SCHUSTER published a book called, “The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness” by authors Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schulz, Ph.D. It was an 85-year study of the same people. They followed more than 2,000 people, across 2- generations, asking the question what makes people happy? I mean really happy.

We all want to be happy, right? Take a listen.

"They say practicing gratitude cures much of what ails us. It helps us feel more positive, cope better with adversity and even stay physically healthier. In other words, relationships and gratitude go hand-in-hand towards creating a happy life."

- Tammy Zonker, President, Fundraising Transformed

Resources mentioned in this episode 

New York Times 7-Day Happiness Challenge

Time Magazine “How to Make Gratitude Feel Less Like a Chore”

The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Largest Scientific Study of Happiness

Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin

The Happiness Project with Gretchen Rubin

The Lifelong Power of Close Relationships

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